Thursday, July 14, 2005

Backdating: My First Entry

{Back dating: This is my very first post, which I blogged using journalspace and have since decided to use Blogger. 071605}

"It's amazing. Here I am, sitting in the middle of this crazy, so-different civilization and I feel enclosed. As if my apartment provides a special 'safe' barrier for my scared self. And I don't know why the hell I should be scared. I've wondered this Asian soil for more than 2 weeks, and yet, everytime I gather my teaching materials, put on my hat, grab my keys, and embark outside---I always feel a bit unsure of where my day will take me.

I hear a stern call from way out yonder, saying "Wake up sista! Get your ass out of bed and meet people! Maybe you need to find other English teachers like you?" I put my foot in my mouth. Pfft!

Alas, first entry. Where to begin? I've seen so little by foot, but I've encountered so much in just 2 weeks and counting. And in this little bit of time (arriving June 29th) I can proudly say... (gasping)

(1) I've not only tasted KIMCHI, but I liked it too, and I want more!
(2) I've taught for 2 full weeks to a bunch of awesome, fun and quirky Korean kids...and well, I can't understand them. But, oh well! It's all fun and games!
(3) I've gotten a pretty comfortable feel of my surroundings (about a 3 mile radius, until I figure out the buses!) Which means, I know where to buy food, where the post office is, where a pay phone is to call home, and where--thank God--I need to put out my trash so the Korean garbage guys (or gals?) will pick it up and take it to God knows where. Garbage heaven I assume.
Oh, I almost forgot...
AND..(5) I've witnessed the strangely odd Korean porn channel (Pause. Blank stare--it's really lame, actually. And it looks like it hurts...I don't recommend it!)

And I would say, you're not fully "Koreanized" until you've experienced ALL of these either.

So, South Korea. This place has a different ring to it now. I've traveled to many places--France, Switzerland and Belgium being my most favorite--and I've always felt comfortable in new environments. That's the fun part. Sure, it helps to speak the language--but isn't that why I took this adventure in the first place? Sometimes I see myself as a cameleon, able to acclimate myself to practically any surroundings. Until now, that is.

This Asian culture has struck me. It's different food, different people, and a different language, all wrapped up in one ball of wax. It's nerve-racking actually. I speak 5 languages (ok, 2 fluently, tid-bits of others..), and yet, I feel like a failure knowing I can speak but a half-dozen Korean words. That's all. Perhaps I'm being tooo hard on myself?

And to think an old junior high buddy of mine just came back from South Korea after a year teaching, and supposedly didn't even learn a lick of Korean. How in the world did he even get by???

Maybe I just need to shut the hell up and get out of my apartment and wander.

Ahh, yes..perfect timing. I need to get dressed and head off to work. What a way to end today's first entry! Hmm.. now, what shall I wear? Black slacks, pink tank top, sunglasses. Damn, it's hot.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I---.. and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." I love this quote. Thanks Frost.

That's just one little part of me...taking simply, the road not taken."

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